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In verses of this class, the rhyming syllables may be as many as follow the last accented syllable of a verse, including that syllable. We mean here that verse which ends with polysyl­lables. Our language has not many polysyl­lables where the accent is thrown farther back than the antepenultimate ; and therefore we have but few rhymes of four syllables, and these are only met with in whimsical and far-fetched expressions.
When more words than one are taken to make up the rhyme, it gives opportunity, by the combi­nation, to frame new rhymes, the novelty of which is pleasing, as in the following by Butler:
The oyster-women lock'd their fish up, And trudg*d away, to cry No Bishop.
And again—
You have said my eyes are blue ; There may be a fairer hue,
Perhaps—and yet It is surely not a sin If I keep my secrets in—
Mortimer Collins.
To produce this novelty is a species of wit, though of an inferior order, yet such as cannot be exercised without great facility in composition and command of language. There are poems of a very modern date which will prove this assertion, whence we conclude that our contemporaries, some of them